“Love is magic at it’s very best” 

​One of the first things,the Unicorn learnt from ‘ The Whispering Tree’ was that  Love is the one thing that conquers everything.

“Love is beyond any other feeling and it overpowers any other reasoning. Love is anywhere and everywhere.”

“Creatures show Love in the most unusual ways ever.” The tree would say, ” Never forget that, my son, Love is what will make you different. Your love, is what will make you,you”

The Unicorn, fell a little bit more in love, with love, everyday.
The thing is, family is what teaches us how to love. We open our eyes for the first time, and we see them. We learn how to love from them.

Our family, fights to keep us happy. Our family is always there. When nothing else remains, it is family which helps us.

The Unicorn grew up thinking his family never loved him. He felt unloved from the second, the Dragon, towered over him. Him, a powerless mess.
One must never underestimate the feeling of Love.  Or the lack of it. The lack of Love established the personality of the Unicorn. He felt there was nothing about him, that could be loved.

What the Unicorn never knew was that,  Of course The Dragon and Wifey loved him. How couldn’t they? He was their son. But they never managed to show it, without reducing the Unicorn to tears. They thought they were caring for their child.

You tell me though? Is this healthy? Spending most of the childhood, in tears. Spending most moments together, fighting. Back then, there was nothing the Unicorn could do. He didn’t even know this was out of the blue. He felt this is how families behave.

Long, long after, when he found a friend, who became his family, he realised what he went through everyday, wasn’t what everyone went through.

“Stay with me. Stay with me because there is hope.

Stay with me because one day, the Unicorn will love

-The Rebel.

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